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Title: 5 Must-Read Picks from the Web This Week

Titles We Adore This Week: Unleashing Diverse Perspectives

Title: 5 Infused Picks for Your Weekly Perusal
Title: 5 Infused Picks for Your Weekly Perusal

Title: 5 Must-Read Picks from the Web This Week

Hey there, health and fitness enthusiasts! As your go-to source for all things wellness, we at Greatist are always on the lookout for the best content on the web. This week, we've rounded up some of our favorite videos, articles, and opinion pieces that are sure to inspire you:

*A Marathon Milestone at 100!*

Fauja Singh, the world's oldest marathon runner, recently broke another record by completing a 5K in under 30 minutes. At an impressive 100 years old, his determination and grit are an inspiration to us all.

Gawker — Art Meets Fitness

Multitasking at its finest: Check out this incredible video of an artist live-sketching the NYC Marathon.

*Trivial Pursuits in Sports*

Ever wondered about the strangest sports facts out there? Barking Up the Wrong Tree covers some of the most bizarre and amusing trivia in the world of sports.

**Quick from Taiwan: Move a Little, Live a Lot Longer

Good news for those of us who struggle to find time for a workout: A large study from Taiwan suggests that doing just 15 minutes of moderate exercise a day can add three years to your life. Now, that's one less excuse to stay in bed!

Decadence in Paris: David's World Weightlifting Journey**

Greatist friend David Boffa takes us on a wild rollercoaster ride as he prepares for the World Weightlifting Championships in Paris.

Further Insights:

A recent study published on reported that exercising for just 15 minutes a day could add three years to your life. Each additional 15 minutes reduces the risk of premature death by four percent. Similar findings have been supported by other sources, such as and Cardiac Wire, which both emphasize the significant benefits of regular exercise for improved longevity and reduced risk of chronic diseases.


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In terms of weight management, regular exercise, such as the 15-minute sessions suggested in the study on, has been shown to add years to one's life and reduce the risk of chronic diseases. Embracing a fitness routine, whether it's running a marathon like Fauja Singh or simply participating in short workouts, can significantly contribute to overall health and wellness.

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