Exploring Kratom Tea: Advantages, Concerns, and Substitute Options
Mitragyna speciosa, originating from Southeast Asia, is known as the Kratom tree. Folks sometimes use its leaves as an herbal remedy, brewing them into Kratom tea or chewing them fresh or dried for boosted alertness and productivity. Despite its traditional usage, including in ceremonial rites and for treating conditions like opium addiction, the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has yet to approve Kratom for any medical uses. The scarce knowledge on its safety in both short and long term applications persists.
This article discusses the potential health advantages and risks associated with Kratom tea consumption and offers alternative solutions.
What is Kratom tea?
Kratom is a member of the coffee family, hailing from Southeast Asia. The tree thrives in Indonesia, Malaysia, and Thailand, and it goes by several aliases such as ketum, biak-biak, and Maeng Da.
How is Kratom tea prepared?
In the Western world, people usually prepare Kratom tea by steeping dried Kratom leaves in hot water. It can be obtained in loose-leaf form or packaged as teabags.
Is Kratom tea legal?
Kratom tea is legally available in most regions of the U.S., but debates continue as the Drug Enforcement Agency (DEA) classifies it as a "drug and chemical of concern." Some states have prohibited the use of Kratom's key chemical components due to the lack of substantial safety data.
Kratom ingestion is growing in popularity in Western cultures, particularly for recreational purposes. However, concerns about its safety remain, leading to ongoing dialogue and potential regulation.
Why do people consume Kratom tea?
Research by the DEA indicates that Kratom has stimulating effects at lower doses and sedative effects at higher doses. Users may employ it to address a variety of issues, including:
- opioid withdrawal symptoms
- anxiety
- depression
- pain relief
- sociability
- mood enhancement
- relaxation
- constipation
- low energy
- poor appetite
- low sexual desire
The National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA) does not suggest that Kratom is safe or effective for any medical condition.
What are Kratom tea's active compounds?
The key active compounds in Kratom leaves are mitragynine and hydroxymitragynine, or 7-hydroxymitragynine. These bioactive alkaloids interact with opioid receptors in the brain, producing effects weaker than opioids such as heroin or oxycodone.
What are the potential benefits of Kratom tea consumption?
While some health bloggers propose that Kratom tea carries health benefits, there is no scientific evidence to support these claims.
The effects of Kratom tea are likely influenced by various factors, including the dosage, product potency, medications being used, individual body size, age, underlying medical conditions, and prior Kratom exposure. Due to the lack of FDA regulation of Kratom products, variations in their strengths can lead to inconsistent results.
Most knowledge about Kratom's effects comes from self-reports by real-world users, making the data unreliable and susceptible to bias.
What are the risks associated with Kratom tea consumption?
Although scientists' understanding of Kratom's effects is limited, recent evidence suggests that Kratom use carries significant health risks.
Medical professionals have reported adverse effects in patients who have used Kratom, including:
- nausea and vomiting
- constipation
- dizziness
- drowsiness
- confusion
- tremors
- seizures
- high blood pressure
- slow breathing
In higher doses, Kratom can be toxic, potentially causing liver failure, kidney injury, heart damage, lung injury, respiratory distress syndrome, cognitive impairment, brain injury, seizure, coma, and even death—particularly when users combine Kratom with other prescription or recreational drugs.
Can Kratom tea lead to addiction or dependence?
South Asian studies suggest that Kratom's stimulant and opioid-like effects may contribute to addiction and dependency issues in some people. Withdrawal symptoms associated with Kratom misuse include:
- fever
- muscle spasms
- pain
- appetite loss
- diarrhea
- runny eyes and nose
- restlessness
- mood changes
- disturbed sleep
- nervousness
- tension
- low mood
How much Kratom tea is safe to consume?
Due to the inconsistency in Kratom product potency and strengths, there are no universally accepted safe dosage recommendations. Thorough consultation with a healthcare provider is always advised before starting Kratom use.
When to seek medical advice
Any individual experiencing concerning side effects after Kratom consumption should promptly consult a medical professional. This is especially important for new Kratom users, as they might be unaware of potentially harmful dosage levels.
Different Options to Kratom Brew
The kratom tree shares its family lineage with coffee plants. Similar to kratom leaves, numerous individuals utilize coffee as a pick-me-up. Studies suggest that coffee might be a significantly safer stimulant option compared to kratom tea. A 2017 study classified coffee consumption as generally harmless.
The research even proposes that excessive coffee intake could potentially boost individuals' health. It could potentially reduce people's likelihood of acquiring specific cancers, brain diseases, liver issues, and metabolic disorders.
Some individuals opt for rhodiola tea for its stimulating qualities. Its advocates claim it boosts energy, endurance, and cognitive abilities, albeit further research is required to validate these claims.
Those seeking a tea with soothing effects might consider chamomile, valerian, or lemon balm tea.
As for managing opioid withdrawal symptoms, various over-the-counter medications are capable of aiding in this process. Unlike kratom tea, these medications are well-understood by medical professionals.
Kratom tea has gained popularity in the United States and globally in recent times. People frequently use it for its stimulating and relaxing properties.
Research into kratom remains scarce. The majority of information available is based on anecdotal accounts of its effects, which scientists cannot utilize to draw any definitive conclusions regarding its health benefits.
Adverse effects of kratom consumption might include nausea, confusion, drowsiness, heart rate alterations, and breathing difficulties.
Alternatives to kratom tea include coffee for its stimulating effect. Relaxing teas, like chamomile, might be a more suitable option for individuals seeking a calming effect from a tea.
While some individuals may use Kratom tea for relief from conditions like opioid withdrawal, anxiety, or depression, it's important to note that the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has not approved Kratom for any medical uses due to limited safety knowledge. Furthermore, Kratom's key active compounds, mitragynine and hydroxymitragynine, can interact with opioid receptors in the brain, potentially leading to adverse effects such as nausea, dizziness, confusion, and even liver failure in higher doses. In light of these risks, alternative options like coffee or soothing teas like chamomile could be considered for stimulating or relaxing effects. Despite anecdotal reports of potential health benefits, there is no scientific evidence to support these claims for Kratom tea.